Details Of v8.1.2

Release Notes


Release Date: 12th September, 2024


  • Bulk effective to date change
  • Sync user information from software to mikrotik(for pppoe user)
  • Employee client list performance optimized
  • Mac reseller recharge process performance optimized
  • MACReseller & Admin Customer Disable process - Any client who is still disabled in the software will continue to be disabled through the process. if someone want to activate the customer, the customer must be enabled via software, not from Mikrotik.
  • Admin Customer Disable Process System i)Default Process Time - 7.00AM, 11AM & 12PM ii)As for custom time, the process will run at the chosen time; if it doesn't run at that time, it will run at any later hour[Not before the excution time]. [Note: We strongly advise against selecting 11.00 PM (23.00). Select the time: 10.00 PM (22.00) or 9.00 PM (21.00).]
  • Date to Date customer Inactive process change. We will execute inactive process at 10 pm for next date. If it does not execute for any specific user, we will attempt it again before bill generation
  • Pdf and csv download system in MacReseller Daily Bill Collection

  • For any type of online payment, MACReseller Fund Settlement & MACReseller Client Auto Recharge
  • ONU Information for BDCOM, VSOL, DBC, CDATA EPON
  • MACReseller Client Enable/Disable log ensure.
Bug Fixes

  • PostPaid MACReseller Duplicate Fund Credit issue fixed.
  • PostPaid MACReseller - Disable For Insufficient Fund issue fixed.
  • Admin customer profile syncing issue fixed.
  • Duplicate prefix of macreseller client code issue⇒ fixed (Need manual reconciliation for previous data)
  • Block profile issue ⇒ fixed
  • Client edit issue on protocol change ⇒ fixed
  • Macreseller client PGW payment filtering issue ⇒ fixed
  • Mikrotik double user create issue on username edit ⇒ fixed
  • Reseller balance mismatch ⇒ fixed
  • PostPaid MACReseller Duplicate Fund Credit issue ⇒ fixed
  • PostPaid MACReseller - Disable For Insufficient Fund issue ⇒ fixed
  • Admin customer profile syncing issue ⇒ fixed
  • Data table warning in registered clients ⇒ fixed
  • Loader Issue in Email sending Modal Before email and sms sending in SalesInvoice⇒ fixed
  • Autofill issue in MacReseller tariff data table search field ⇒ fixed.
  • Admin and MacReseller search box is updated with proper Bangla search
  • Pay-Slip issue fixed - Salary generate issue